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Community Interest Statement

This is our community Interest Declaration which is publically available via the CIC Regulator. Presented here in the spirit of openness for all our stakeholders.

The company’s activities will provide benefit to ...

Adults with a recognised mental health problem or at risk of developing one, with a particular focus on those who are transitioning from the criminal justice system or the armed forces.


How will the activity benefit the community?

Provide support to veterans or offenders (pre and post release): Emotional support and practical support.

These particular groups have had limited access to emotional and practical support due to constraints of their situation.  Our existing partnerships with prisons and organisations will help us to build services to provide the essential support.

We will deliver a structured package of services to ease transition of offenders back into the community with the ultimate aim of reducing self-harm and suicide risk.

Training for offenders, officers, professionals and other interested parties.  Training packages will include:

  • Well-being
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Employability skills
  • Advocacy
  • Conflict Management
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Counselling
  • Health & Safety
  • Quality Assurance

We will develop and deliver structured programmes of training on mental health themes aimed at raising awareness for professionals and improving coping and living skills for those experiencing mental health problems.

The aim is to improve opportunities for offenders and veterans for integration back into the community.

Resettlement support and signposting

We aim to provide practical guidance and support to ease transition back into the community.  Where we are not able to offer direct support due to geographical issues or professional boundaries, we will signpost individuals to more appropriate services.

Befriending, coaching and mentoring

We will develop services to provide ongoing emotional support to build individual’s coping and life skills and ease their transition. We aim to develop volunteers and other workers with coaching / mentoring skills with the aim of supporting our service user groups. 

Helpline, text and email support

We aim to provide continuity of support through informal means to reduce risks of re-offending.

Promotion and mental health awareness

Where possible we will promote the needs of those suffering from mental health difficulties to appropriate professional groups and other organisations with a view to improving services.

Engage other agencies, organisations and individuals to form working partnerships

We will develop working alliances and partnerships with key to enhance service provision in prison and specific organisational settings.

Service development – liaise with key stakeholders to identify service and support needs for those at risk of mental health problems. 

Our strength is developing creative services to address specific needs.   We will scope, pilot and develop appropriate services.   Deliver or project manage delivery of these services through other providers.


We believe our past experience within the voluntary sector provides a good insight to the needs of these particular groups of people that a commercial enterprise would not have.  A CIC approach, free from a commercial agenda means we can focus on providing an effective service to our user group.

If the company makes any surplus it will be used for…

It is our intention to expand and grow with a view to reinvesting in the enterprise with the aim of further service development.